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OK, So who had Florida in their brackets...

Yeah, sure you did. This guy did:

He got ONE of the Championship teams right. Florida vs. Ohio State for the title (sounds familiar).
Bend over OSU, Bobby Knight said it best;
1988 - In an NBC interview with Connie Chung, who asked how he handles stress, Knight says: "I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it." He explains he was talking about something beyond one's control, not the act of rape.
UPDATE: At least they tried so they didn't get stomped this time around.
But losing the title in two sports to the same school in 4 months has got to be really humiliating...


posted by YIH @ 8:01 PM on Saturday, March 31, 2007

Uhh, Yeah...

I have no idea if this is a real weapon or a toy:

Dymphna (Gates of Vienna) thinks it's so cute.
But to me, firearms should not be 'cute', that's just not the point.
But it would fit in here...

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posted by YIH @ 3:42 PM on Monday, March 26, 2007

You're not going to belive this...

Kevin Federline (Brittany Spears's ex) hired a webmaster to create an Internet search engine. I could probably do it if I were paid to. If you'd like to hire me for that task, IT WILL BE EXPENSIVE!!! ($2,000,000.00 minimum. Cash up front, take it or leave it)
No, I'm NOT kidding, I wish I was. That offer of ''search the web and win'' doesn't interest me.
I don't base my decision to patronize anything based on ''my chance to win'' anything!
*WHACK*! Homey don't play dat! Or the FL Lottery. If you're into gambling, there are a multitude of places you can go, but I'm completely uninterested. Not my style.
So ''K-Fed'' if I want to search the Internet that's what Google is for.
BTW, I guess I'm becoming a geek!!! Switched to 'Edit Html' three times on this post. Guess I'm getting used to dealing with ''raw HTML''...


posted by YIH @ 2:33 AM on Sunday, March 25, 2007

Yeah I did...

I went over to Bane Rants and guess what? His blog is screwed up again!!! No blog 'main' links work above the final 'archive' (in the sidebar) link.
TSK, TSK, TSK. Yet I can 'rip' this template from the 'Page Source' of his blog, set it up, put it in place and got it fully functional is less than 48 hours. And created it's own icon (I even told him how to adopt it. Select 'Page Source', I really made it that easy).
I guess ''Wendy'' has her work cut out for her. I agree with her Bane, don't mess with your template. I know how to play with fire...


posted by YIH @ 5:21 PM on Saturday, March 24, 2007

Carnak puts the evelope to his forehead and says...

Inside the envelope was:
20070320.2350: A new TMNT movie, all rendered, opens this coming weekend. Think there's any chance at all that it will be any good?
The studio is 'disposing' of it. Everything I've seen of it so for looks like the studio knew they blew it.
And are releasing it now to cycle it through theaters before ''the summer season''. IF THEY'RE LUCKY they'll manage to break even on the DVD release in October.
If you think I'm kidding, ask yourself this: Where's the product tie-ins? It's a well-established product line.
UPDATE: Whoops, just checked the calender. It's being aimed at grade school 'spring break' in the hopes the kids will put it in the top 5 for opening weekend. I doubt it, but it might actually work. But it still looks like it was intended for a late June release. Complete with a Mountain Dew and a [insert national pizza chain here] product tie-ins. My guess is it tested poorly and they rushed it to theaters in a lame attempt to salvage it.
My hunch is don't even bother downloading it, not worth the effort...


posted by YIH @ 2:38 AM on Wednesday, March 21, 2007


On British Airways, in order to upgrade from Coach to First Class I have to die in-flight.
Looks like 'frequent-flyer miles' just don't cut it anymore...


posted by YIH @ 2:49 AM on Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Just in time for St. Pat's day...

That's Orange County, FL (Orlando) if you're wondering.

Gotta give 'em props for creativity!

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posted by YIH @ 5:48 PM on Saturday, March 17, 2007

I've been known to consult ''Wackypedia'' from time to time...

But don't always count on it being accurate. The ''stand-up comedian'' formerly known as Sinbad was reported by them as having died of a heart attack last week. One problem, he's neither dead nor funny yet.
Uh, Whackypedia, that was Richard Jeni. And he Cobained.
Well, at least they don't bash VLC. Must be an 'East Coast-West Coast' sorta thing.
BTW, Whackypedia is also based out of FL, St. Pete to be exact.
MOI? Well, you got the St. and the FL right. But not Pete.
More unintentional comedy courtesy of Whackypedia:
On March 6, 2006 , St. Cloud introduced "CyberSpot", a program which gives all residents free high-speed wireless Internet access.
A year later, I'm still paying for DSL. I'm not exactly a big fan of the ''CyberSpot''.
Take my word for it, ''free high-speed (not much faster than dialup) wireless Internet access (if you can even get it to work at all)'' is grossly overrated.
UPDATE: I continued to rant against ''CyberSpot'' over at YIH. While doing so I went to YouTube and found an easy way to test your Internet connection:

Yep, it's Night of the Living Dead. The entire B&W '68 version. It plays smooth as silk on DSL.
On ''CyberSpot'' I can't even make it to 2:00 before it pauses to ''rebuffer''. At 9:18 the connection is lost.
The jury has returned. The Verdict is in favor of the Defendant (DSL) against the Plaintiff (''CyberSpot''). No award is nessessary, the online service continues with the Defendant.
Case Dismissed.
UPDATE II: Quite clever of YouTube, they don't put the {/embed} tag in the HTML code they provide. So Google (Blogger) chokes on a straight HTML 'cut and paste'.
Gotta admit it keeps the n00bs from posting YouTube to Blogger. For me, merely an annoyance...

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posted by YIH @ 4:50 PM on

This was just too funny...

Steven sez:
20070316.2120: I wish I could post some screen shots for you from Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan! The art looks really nice; clean lines, nice backdrops, attractive character designs, appropriate amounts of CGI that don't grate.

I wish I could. Alas, the file is an "MP4", and even with a "universal codec" pack installed, PowerDVD doesn't have a clue what to make of it. Still, there's VLC. And it's Open Source! Yay!

It's got a "snapshot" function. I don't have a clue as to what it does. When I choose it, I get a temporary thumbnail of the current screen in the upper left corner that fades out. But where does it go? It doesn't go into the VLC installation directory. It doesn't go into the Windows scratch pad. I can't find any configuration choice for it in the setup frames.

I found a configuration page for it, and it tells me that it's currently set up to store its snapshots as PNG files. But it doesn't say where they are stored.
YES IT DOES!!! When that thumbnail is on the screen, it also overlays the path to the .png of the screengrab. I don't like the fact that both the the thumbnail and path only last about 3 seconds. But if you are on 'pause' you can select ''screenshot'' as many times as you like without creating additonal files.
BTW, it defaults to putting them in ''My Pictures'' complete with a helpful filename like ''vlcsnap-1084142'' (from Popotan):

And THIS is why he bashes ''open source'' software? YIKES! It took me all of a minute to do a demo grab from Onagai Twins (for some reason, it shows up first in my DL directory) and locate ''vlcsnap-2560543'':

Because I uploaded them to Google (Blogger) I didn't even bother to change the filetype from .png to .jpg .
After writing the above I discovered that Wonderduck also informed him of this.
There is one question I have for Steven; So why'd you quit Macs anyway?
UPDATE: A little tip for Wonderduck: SEE ABOVE
UPDATE II: There is a reason I went through hell to install Haloscan here!!! It just works. It keeps the spam out without preventing legit commenters from doing so. And your nick, email and URL transfer from blog to blog (that use Haloscan) with no problem.
BTW, the reason I went through hell was not Haloscan's fault. Blame Google (Blogger), they changed Blogger and I had to adjust to it (difficult but not impossible)...

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posted by YIH @ 11:47 PM on Friday, March 16, 2007

The official cat of QWIK HITZ! has arrived!!!

NOTE: this is cross-posted to Your Image Here
Now multi-catting as well (pronouced 'dose gattos', translates as two [male]cats).
Haven't snapped a .jpg of Whitey yet, but this'll do in a pinch:

Not an actual pic of Whitey, but it matches. He naturally wears 'snow camo'. If I were to put him out in the snow, he'd vanish. Luckily for him he lives in Central Florida where snow is quite rare.
He's about 6 months old so it's possible that snow has occured in his lifetime (we had light flurries just before Thanksgiving '06).
Sam is less than happy about the new member of the family, but they've not fought each other.
But I've got a small bucket of water handy if nessesary. Trust me, it'll stop a catfight immediatly, and it will quickly teach them not to fight. So far, I've not had to resort to ''the water option'' and so far I've not needed to.
Julie (who also loves cats) said in the online chatroom that we both participate in ''You don't adopt cats, cats adopt you''. Pretty much describes how Whitey became ''not homeless''.
The house I live in is up for sale. Yes, I'm looking into buying it but Real Estate transactions are a very complicated process that I will not discuss futher at this point.
My Landlord ran a tour of the property (it annoys me, but he has every right to do so) and apparently Whitey came in with the prospective buyers of this piece of Real Estate. After the tour of my home ended Whitey stayed. Whitey had been hanging around here for months and apparently came in with those who were touring my home and fooled my Landlord and his prospective buyers into thinking that HE's the cat that lives here.
Although if push comes to shove (ONE cat is allowed on the Lease) Sam stays, Whitey goes.
Whitey is the newcomer. If it becomes nessessary, he's ''the last hired, the first fired''.
Reality sucks, but you have to deal with it anyway.
But that won't stop Whitey from becoming the official cat of QWIK HITZ!
2 blogs, 2 cats, I can deal with this...

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posted by YIH @ 2:40 AM on Saturday, March 10, 2007

I may not live in England...

But I LIKE throwing sharp-pointed objects at the wall while drinking beer. And I perfer not to do it at home:

Although nylon-tipped ones are OK as well. So what am I doing for St. Pat's day?
Thanks for asking:
I might even bring my laptop and try 'live blogging on location' just for the hell of it...

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posted by YIH @ 4:22 AM on Friday, March 9, 2007

Ahh, Nostalgia...

Fifty years ago there was a big scandal in radio known as ''payola''.
That's how this guy's musical career got it's start:

And now look what's become of him.
If you thought it went away about the same time tailfins on cars did you'd be wrong. Now you know WHY ''the hottest artist's hit'' on the radio gets played again and again and again and again...

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posted by YIH @ 12:43 AM on Thursday, March 8, 2007

Never underestimate American ingenuity...

My solution is much simpler however. I merely take my hand off the mouse and grab a cold one out of the mini-fridge next to it.
But you gotta give this guy props for putting his new Engineering degree to good use...

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posted by YIH @ 12:27 AM on

Being the mechanic...

Well, if Bane doesn't know by now what just happened he never will. I told him what I did in his comments, complete with link. I liked that template so I stole it and made it work.
It's not 100% of what I want it to be so I'm putting in diaganostic aides. They're visible if you look closely enough.
UPDATE: Haloscan you ask? Haven't installed it yet, I'm getting right on it.
UPDATE II: It was simple to get Haloscan to work on Your Image Here. Getting it to work on QWIK HITZ! is not so simple. ''The New Blogger'' (which I created QWIK HITZ! with) is rather tricky.
UPDATE III: ALMOST lost all that hard work trying to install Haloscan here. I got lucky, my source was in another tab. Now I have backups.
Haloscan will work, I already know it does. I'll either solve this puzzle or say ''screw it, let Blogger handle the comments for QWIK HITZ!''.
UPDATE IV: That's better, Haloscan is now functional on QWIK HITZ! I didn't like having to rummage around in YIH's code to find the answer to my quandry, but I did and that is why Haloscan now works. I WILL clean up the mess, BUT I NEED A BREAK!!!
UPDATE V: I had to make sure, so I posted a comment to this using Haloscan. It worked.
UPDATE VI: Bane knows. And he's afraid to mess with his template.
So I'll play with the fire so he doesn't have to.
FINAL UPDATE: Haloscan is properly installed and operates as intended. NOW I can crash. Goodnight everyone...

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posted by YIH @ 3:32 PM on Saturday, March 3, 2007

On fansubs...

I won't get on my high horse about whether they are right or wrong.
I've DL'd fansubs as ''a free preview'' and if I liked what I saw, I went ahead and bought it.
I can't say that's a good way to make the decision on ''Buy or Not Buy'', but for me it usually works.
That's how I chose to buy Hanaukyo Maid Team La Verite. What I saw as a fansub made me bring out the credit card. Same for Hand Maid May.
This method of pre-screening Anime doesn't always work however, I went ahead and bought Onegai Teacher (which, if you can make it past the first five minutes, is actually good!) and it's sequel Onegai Twins (which is both a waste of time and money).
But it IS helpful in avoiding tragic errors. Kiddy Grade comes to mind, I'm damn glad I saw it before I bought THAT disaster!!!
J Greely's review of it was more entertaining then watching the whole series would have been. Yes, IT IS THAT BAD, here's a just a taste:

It doesn't get any better than that. It's downright awful.
That said, I see DL'ing fansubs as a way to sample something. Sorta like the lady (sometimes guy) at the Sam's Club offering me a bite on a toothpick and saying ''You like it? You can buy it over there''. That's how I see fansubs.


posted by YIH @ 2:02 AM on

When you're hot, you're hot...

Like the new look of QWIK HITZ! ?
Wish I could take credit for it, but I can't. In less than 24 hours I openly stole this ''new'' Blogger template, created and set up an icon for it and began to customize it.
BEEN THERE, DONE THAT. I don't have many years left, and I didn't want to spend another one making one from scratch. So I went ''QWIK and dirty''.
You can call this cheating, but I won't lose any sleep over it...

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posted by YIH @ 6:25 PM on Friday, March 2, 2007


A preview of coming attractions for this blog:

BTW, While I like the song, the singer needs to do something 'bout the head lice.

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posted by YIH @ 12:29 AM on