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You're not going to belive this...

Kevin Federline (Brittany Spears's ex) hired a webmaster to create an Internet search engine. I could probably do it if I were paid to. If you'd like to hire me for that task, IT WILL BE EXPENSIVE!!! ($2,000,000.00 minimum. Cash up front, take it or leave it)
No, I'm NOT kidding, I wish I was. That offer of ''search the web and win'' doesn't interest me.
I don't base my decision to patronize anything based on ''my chance to win'' anything!
*WHACK*! Homey don't play dat! Or the FL Lottery. If you're into gambling, there are a multitude of places you can go, but I'm completely uninterested. Not my style.
So ''K-Fed'' if I want to search the Internet that's what Google is for.
BTW, I guess I'm becoming a geek!!! Switched to 'Edit Html' three times on this post. Guess I'm getting used to dealing with ''raw HTML''...


posted by YIH @ 2:33 AM on Sunday, March 25, 2007


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