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Comments on comments

Looks like Steven is diving fully into the realm of blogging again:
20070518.1950: Well, what the heck. I started messing around with a blog on Pixy's site. I just made it unhidden. So far it's just test posts, but I'm thinking of running a sort of hybrid, where TMWs and reviews would remain on this server, but day-to-day posts would go over there. That would, at long last, give people things they could link to, and it would also permit comments. I say that last with great trepidation, but it's worth experimenting with. What the hell.
As you might notice, I permit comments here. On this post and any other. I discourage swearing but feel free to say whatever you'd like there. In a previous post I mentioned that I (ab)use Blogger as a blog host. I'm basically a cheapskate and free is my favorite price. I don't have a problem letting Google ''do the heavy lifting'' for either of my blogs.
With one exception of course; The comment system. I won't hesitate to say it, Blogger's comment system sucks out loud. It's truly awful, there are folks that won't even post a comment on blogs that use it. I tend to avoid using Blogger's comment system whenever possible myself, it's truly that bad, it makes people jump through a lot of hoops just to give their 2 cents worth.
Myself, I recommend HaloScan. It's uptime history is decent (99%), it can be easily integrated into any blog format (including Blogger), it's free (they sell ad space there, which I have no problem with) and I've never seen 'comment spam' there. That's right, never. And I've used it for over a year now (and others longer) and it doesn't force people to jump through hoops to post comments. It remembers commenters ON ANY blog that uses it. For example, pop over to Bane Rants and tell him off. Then come here and tell me off (Yes, this blog looks like his. And he knows it). Your ''name'', email addy (does not appear in comment) and URL (which if you choose to provide one, does appear) comes with you. No 'comment spam', no captcha, and it just works.
Good enough for me...


posted by YIH @ 10:40 AM on Saturday, May 19, 2007


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