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OK, this is creepy...

What is this? A video display designed to be placed within 1 inch of the surface of the human eye.
It's supposed to simulate a 30 inch display at 3 meters (roughly 7 ft.).
I have no way to test it myself so I don't know if it works as claimed.
Assuming it does, this is actually not a good thing. I can picture someone using this behind the wheel.
Watching, say, last night's episode of ''24'' on the commute to work for example. If you think driving and talking on the phone is a problem, just wait.
Yes, your computer can deal with multiple things at once (multitasking) but the human mind doesn't work that way. It focuses on a main task and gives the rest short shrift.
That's fine if you ignore the radio to focus on driving. It's dangerous to focus on the phone (or TV show) and ignore driving...


posted by YIH @ 2:09 PM on Sunday, June 10, 2007


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